Solution Manual For Convection Heat Transfer Latif

Jiji's extensive understanding of how students think and learn, what they find difficult, and which elements need to be stressed is integrated in this work. I found this book to be an excellent text on heat convection, and the author has a very clear and rigorous approach to the subject. I especially like the structure of the example problems and solutions, and the inclusion of 'order-of-magnitude' estimation as a standard part of any solution.


I believe that this text could become the standard graduate text for this subject. I personally intend to recommend this text to colleagues at other institutions, and I look forward to using this text in my course.

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Solution Manual Heat Convection Latif Jiji Solution Manual Heat Convection Latif Heat Convection by Latif M. Jiji - solutions 1. PROBLEM 1.1 Heat is removed from a rectangular surface by convection to an ambient fluid at T. The heat transfer coefficient is h. Surface temperature is given by sT = 2/1 x A where A is constant. Determine the steady.